Helpful Plant Lists
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Fact Sheets
Sustainable Landscaping Fundamentals
Sustainable Landscape Renovation
Dealing With Drought
Using Water Wisely
Managing Your Soil
Compost for Healthy Soil and Plants
The Magic of Mulch
The Right Plant Right Place
Pest Management
Permeable Surfaces
Solving Runoff Problems
Sustainable Fertilization
Watering Guide
Cut Flowers
Ageratum, Floss flower
Alstroemaria, Peruvian Lily hybrid
Amethyst Mist Coral Bells
Anne Russell Viburnum
Annual Coreopsis, Calliopsis
Annual Cosmos
Annual Strawflower, Everlasting
Apache Plume
Argentine Verbena
ArizonaCoral Bells
Arnold Crabapple
Aromas Sage
Australian Willow, Wilga
Azure or Russian Sage
Balloon Flower
Bearded Iris
Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris
Beverly Sills Bearded Iris
Bird Of Paradise
Black Knight Butterfly Bush
Black-Eyed Stella Daylily
Black-Eyed Susan
Blackberry Lily
Blatant Bearded Iris
Blue Staccato Bearded Iris
Breakers Bearded Iris
Bridal Wreath
Buchanan Sage, Buchanan's Fuchsia S
Burgundy Blanket Flower
Burnished Bronze Coral Bells
Bush Anemone
Butterfly Iris or Fortnight Lily
Cable Car Bearded Iris
California Coral Bells
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
Calla Lily or Calla
Carnation, Clove Pink
Cathedral Windows Coral Bells
Cecile Brunner Rose (polyantha)
Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper Tree
Chinese Flame Tree
Chinese Wisteria
Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells
Christmas Rose
Cloth of Gold Yarrow
Columbine Selection
Common Camellia
Common Foxglove
Common Lilac
Common Snow Ball
Common Yarrow, Mifoil
Common Zinnia
Conejo Buckwheat or Saffron Buckwhe
Cooke's Purple Chinese Wisteria
Cooper's Paperflower
Coral Beads Bearded Iris
Cornflower, Bachelor's Button
Daylily (hybrid selection)
Dazzling Gold Bearded Iris
Dbl. White Lady Banks' Rose
Don Juan Climbing Rose
Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris
Dusty Miller Shrub
Dwarf Eared Coreopsis
Dwarf Lily of the Nile
Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras
Evergreen Candytuft
Evergreen Pear, Flowering Pear
Firebird Border Penstemon (red)
Flanders Poppy
Flannel Bush
Flattop Buckwheat
Flowering Maple
Foothill Penstemon
Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris
Garden Hydrangea
Garden Nasturtium
Garden or Common Geranium
Garden Stock
Gayfeather, Blazing Star
Gerbera,Transvaal Daisy
Giant Catmint
Globe Thistle
Goldilocks Gloriosa Daisy
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Gorgeous Crabapple
Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris
Gray Honey Myrtle
Grosso Long Stemmed Lavender
Ground Cover Rose selections
Hemstitched Bearded Iris
Hidcote English Lavender
Hybrid Naked Lady
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Iceland Poppy
Idaho Magenta Locust
Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Iris PCH 'Canyon Snow'
Island Alum Root
Japanese Flowering Crabapple
Japanese Kerria
Joan Senior Daylily
Judith Daylily
Jupiter's Beard, Red Valerian
Kangaroo Paw Selection
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Kwanzan Flowering Japanese Cherry
Ladybird Mix Cosmos
Lance Coreopsis
Lance Coreopsis
Lavender Lady English Lavender
Licorice Plant
Lily of the Nile
Little Bobo Daylily
Lucifer Crocosmia
Lullaby Baby Daylily
Maiden's Wreath
Marse Connell Daylily
Matilija Poppy
Meeting Daffodil
Meidiland Varieties Rose selections
Mexican Golden Poppy
Mexican Tulip Poppy, Golden Cup
Midnight Penstemon (dark purple)
Miniature Or Trailing Jasmine
Mistrial Daffodil
Monarch Blanket Flower
Mosquito Grass, Blue Grama Grass
Mullein Pink, Rose Campion
Munstead Dwarf Lavender
Naked Lady, Belladonna Lily
New Zealand Flax
New Zealand Flax, Wings of Gold
Orange Crush Daylily
Pacific Coast Irises
Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris
Passion Vine
Persian Carpet Coral Bells
Peruvian Lily
Pincushion Flower
Pincushion Flower
Pink Anemone Clematis, Rubens
Pink Champagne Marguerite
Pojo Daylily
Provence Blue Lavandin
Provence Lavender
Purple Pacific Coast Iris
Purple Smoke Tree
Purple-Leaf Acacia
Quaking Grass, Rattlesake Grass
Rainbow Warrior New Zealand Flax
Razzleberry Red Fringe Flower
Red Flowering Currant
Red Hot Poker
Red Yucca
Rojo Alto Daylily
Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage
Rose Red Stone Crop
Rosea Yarrow
Ruby King Penstemon (deep pink)
Russian Rhapsody Daylily
Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat
Sea Lavender, Statice
Shasta Daisy
Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush
Silver Leaf Marguerite
Snow White Spreading Manuka
Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
Spangles Coral Bells
Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
Spider Flower
Star Magnolia
Stratavarus Daffodil
Summer Pastels Yarrow
Superstition Bearded Iris
Sweet Musette Bearded Iris
Tea Crabapple, Hillier
Terra Cotta Baby Daylily
Terra Cotta Yarrow
Thread Leaf Coreopsis
Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum
Tiny Pumpkin Daylily
Torch Lily
Torch Lily Improved
Trailing Pansy
Tree Roses selections
Umbrella Pine, Parasol Pine
Variegated Garden Hydrangea
Variegated Japanese Silver Grass
Veitch Jasmine
Walther Funcke Yarrow
Western Redbud
Whirling Butterflies Gaura
White Chinese Wisteria
White Daisy Yarrow
White Lily of the Nile
Whoop Em Up Bearded Iris
Wright's Buckwheat
Yellow Fortnight Lily