Helpful Plant Lists
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Fact Sheets
Sustainable Landscaping Fundamentals
Sustainable Landscape Renovation
Dealing With Drought
Using Water Wisely
Managing Your Soil
Compost for Healthy Soil and Plants
The Magic of Mulch
The Right Plant Right Place
Pest Management
Permeable Surfaces
Solving Runoff Problems
Sustainable Fertilization
Watering Guide
Low Maint. Ground Covers
Arcadia Juniper
Baby Blue Eyes
Bar Harbor Juniper
Blue Chip
Buffalo Juniper
Bush Morning Glory
Carmel Creeper
Carmine Bells Australian Fuchsia
Carpet Acacia
Carpet Geranium
Chinese Juniper
Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower
Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower
Confetti Lantana
Copper King Gazania
Creeping Mahonia
Creeping Mirror Plant
Cushion Coyote Brush
Cushion Sageleaf Rockrose
Desert or Colorado Four O' Clock
Donkey Tail, Burro Tail
Double Sunburst Coreopsis
Dragon's Blood Stone Crop
Dwarf Eared Coreopsis
Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Fiesta Red Gazania
Flattop Buckwheat
Fragrant Sarcococca or Sweet Box
Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai
Giant Catmint
Golden Toothed Aloe
Goldfink Coreopsis
Gray Lavender Cotton
Ground Cover Myoporum
Ground Morning Glory
Homestead Purple Verbena
Hummingbird Sage, Pitcher Sage
Island Cushion Sagebrush
Japanese Garden Juniper
John Dourley Manzanita
Johnson's Blue Cranesbill
Julia Phelps California Lilac
Lamb's Ears Silver Carpet
Lavender Swirl TM Lantana
Lipstick Verbena
Manzanita Emerald Carpet
Marse Connell Daylily
Master Magician Daylily
Mauve Clusters Fan Flower
Mount Atlas Daisy
Noel Grevillea
October Daphne
Pacific Mist Manzanita
Patriot TM Lantana Classic-Passion
Persian Carpet Coral Bells
Pink Coral Rockrose
Pink Creeping Baby's Breath
Point Reyes Bearberry
Pork And Beans
Profusion Trailing Fleabane
Prostata Juniper
Prostrate Trailing Germander
Pt. Sal Spreader Purple Sage
Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme
Purple Ice Plant
Rose Red Stone Crop
Russian Rhapsody Daylily
Saltillo Evening Primrose
Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Semi-trailing Yellow Gazania
Shore Juniper
Siberian Carpet Cypress
Silver Mound Artemisia
Spangles Coral Bells
Sparkler Freeway Daisy
Spathe Leaved Sedum
Sun Rose
Trailing Gazania, Treasure Flower
Trailing Germander
Trailing Saponaria
Tricolor Dragon's Blood Sedum
White Daisy Yarrow
White Trailing Ice Plant
Wisley Pink Sun Rose
Woolly Yarrow
Wright's Buckwheat
Yankee Point California Lilac