
Plants by Common Name

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Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'

Red-Leaf Japanese Barberry

Oxalis oregano

Redwood Sorrel

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Ballerina'

Rhaphiolepis Ballerina

Rhaphiolepis indica 'Rosea'

Rhaphiolepis Rosea

Casuarina cunninghamiana

River She-Oak

Phyllostachys viridis 'Robert Young'

Robert Young Running Bamboo

Vitis X californica 'Roger's Red' Native Plant

Roger's Red Wild Grape

Hemerocallis 'Rojo Alto'

Rojo Alto Daylily

Hibiscus syriacus

Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea

Salvia greggii 'Rose Pink'

Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage

Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant'

Rose Red Stone Crop

Verbena canadensis

Rose Verbena

Lavatera thuringiaca 'Rosea'

Rosea Tree Mallow

Achillea millefolium rosea

Rosea Yarrow

Rosmarinus officinalis


Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'

Royal Purple Smoke Tree

Rosa 'Royal Sunset'

Royal Sunset Climbing Rose

Leptospermum scoparium 'Ruby Glow'

Ruby Glow NZ Tea Tree

Penstemon 'Ruby King'

Ruby King Penstemon (deep pink)

Elaeagnus angustifolia

Russian Olive, Oleaster

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