

Tour: Sacramento City Splendor

Front Driveway in Spring
White Flowering Dogwood
Yellow Lavender Cotton
California Fuchsia
White Flowering Dogwood

Common name:White Flowering Dogwood
Botanical name:Cornus florida 'White"

As a deciduous tree, this dogwood has a rounded form and a horizontal branching pattern. It produces very dense flowering in May as well as in the fall. The fruit appears in clusters of scarlet oval.

Yellow Lavender Cotton

Common name:Yellow Lavender Cotton
Botanical name:Santolina pinnata ssp. neapolitana

Yellow Cotton is a low shrub to about 2' and a little bit wider. It has dense, rich green foliage and yellow flowers. It creates a distinct Mediterranean look.

California Fuchsia

Common name:California Fuchsia
Botanical name:Zauschneria californica

The California Fuchsia is a showy perennial shrub that grows 1'-2' high with upright stems. It has grey-green foliage and bright orange-red tubular flowers and attracts hummingbirds. This shrub is a native to CA and is drought tolerant. This plant is known as Epilobium in some books and botanical gardens. -Cornflower Farms.

Designer: Dave Roberts Landscape

Front Driveway in Spring
Image: 21 of 21

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.