Common name:Yellow Margin Century Plant
Botanical name:Agave americana v. marginata
This form has a creamy yellow margin around the edge of the leaves and will grow 6-10' x 13' . It is a native to Mexico, and has a very open growth habit with leaves that recurve along their length. Susceptible to Agave Snout Weevil. Has stiff terminal spines and recurved teeth on margins. After blooming, which could take several years, it will die but will send up new pups from around the base.
Common name:Mendocino Reed Grass
Botanical name:Calamagrostis foliosa
This tufted perennial bunchgrass is native to the Northern California coastal scrub. It forms a beautiful, dense mound of grey-green leaves that reach 2' tall, with showy arching buff colored flower stalks to 3' tall in spring and summer. Reed Grass foliage turn into an attractive purple coloration in the fall and winter. This evergreen should be grown under sun, with little or no summer watering required. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Torch Lily Improved
Botanical name:Kniphofia hybrids
This perennial will grow to about 6' tall and has large green, grass-like leaves with red, orange, and yellow tubular flowers that bloom in summer. Flowers resemble tiki torches. Hummingbirds love the flowers.
Common name:Standard Rose selections
Botanical name:Rosa species
These shrubs and vines are the most-loved in the West and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and are easy to maintain with proper care.
Designer: Mark Lewis
Photographer: GardenSoft
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Be sure to fix all leaks promptly no matter how small they may seem.
Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.